An Op-Ed by freelance writer Anna Hiatt on yesterday’s
(1/21/2014) Washington Post “Fed Page” reported that Representatives José
Serrano (D-NY) and Barbara Lee (D-Calif) have issued statements urging the U.S.
Postal Service (USPS) to hold up on its sales of historic post offices, pending
studies by the Service’s inspector general and the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation (ACHP). Ms. Hiatt correctly
notes that old post offices are often important community assets, and that the
communities they serve often object to their being closed and sold.
This is an old, long-standing problem, resulting from
changes in demographics, transportation, the way mail is handled, and the
growth of the internet, among other factors.
There is probably no ready solution to it, and each case doubtless
presents unique characteristics. Each
case where there are community concerns ought to get the kind of consultation
among concerned parties that’s required by the regulations implementing Section
106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), leading either to an agreement
about whether and how to proceed, or to a final high-level recommendation by
the ACHP. That’s simply what the law
Unfortunately, to judge from Ms. Hiatt’s article, neither
side is paying any attention to what the law requires. The USPS, she says wants to fast-track its
sales by exempting them, or some of them, from review under the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The two
congresspeople and other concerned parties are calling for more “public input” – specifically public hearings.
Which, if the USPS graciously gives in and grants, will
accomplish precisely nothing.
All a public hearing does is get the public heard – that is,
those members of the public who attend.
It doesn’t get what they say attended to; it doesn’t force an agency to change its mind. It merely lets the public spout off. The agency, having generously given the
public this hankered-for opportunity, can then retire to its Olympian heights and make its decision, with no necessary attention to what the public has said. If it's said anything sensible, which is doubtful given the counterproductive structure and dynamics of the average public hearing.
Consultation being what the law (not NEPA, but Sections 106 and 110 of NHPA) requires. Not public hearings, not public input, but consultation, which means sitting down with all the concerned parties and trying to work out an agreement.
It’s easy
enough to understand why the USPS would want to obscure and ignore this legal
requirement, but what would be very strange if it weren’t so commonplace is
that the representatives in Congress, who must have staffs to look into things
like this, could be so dumb as to do the same. Why promote public hearings instead of insisting
that the USPS do the kind of reasoning-together that might do some good, and
that the law actually requires? Consultation has a fighting chance of resulting in some kind of
agreement that meets the needs of both the USPS and the communities that value
their post offices. Public hearings, by
themselves, have no chance of doing anything but generating hot air.