In 1990, the National Register of Historic Places, a
division of the U.S. National Park Service, published National Register
Bulletin 38, “Guidelines for Identifying and Evaluating Traditional Cultural
Properties,” authored by Patricia Parker and me. Chapter 2 of my 2003 book, Places That Count (,
recounts how Bulletin 38 came to be, and the early reaction to it.
Bulletin 38 has been used – sometimes to good effect – by American
Indian Tribes and a few other communities to ensure that places of traditional
cultural value to them are considered by federal agencies whose actions may
destroy or damage them. As a result, such agencies, and some of the industries
they regulate, have been pretty unhappy with it. So have some State Historic
Preservation Officers (SHPOs) and cultural resource management consultants who
prefer to acknowledge the cultural value only of places that professional
historians and archaeologists can define and evaluate.
In response to complaints from those who find Bulletin 38
altogether too populist, in 2012 NPS launched an effort to rewrite it. This
effort first involved a widespread effort to solicit comments from all
concerned, which resulted in receipt of a large corpus of written comments plus
notes on a series of public meetings and meetings with tribes and intertribal
As is its wont, NPS then dithered, regularly assuring the
world that it was thinking about the comments, but doing nothing. I – among
others – became concerned that (a) its people would end up writing something
unfortunate or that (b) by being forever under review, Bulletin 38 would come
to be regarded by practitioners as less authoritative than other National
Register direction. So in early 2014 I proposed to NPS that it contract with me
to digest the comments and prepare a revised draft. Rather to my surprise, NPS
responded favorably to my proposal. The contract was let, the comments and
notes were shared with me, and I went to work. As an NPS executive with her own
fish to fry (left to rot by NPS after her death in December of 2014, but that’s
another story), Parker did not participate in the effort.
It soon became apparent that the great bulk of the comments NPS
had received dealt not with Bulletin 38 itself, but with how traditional
cultural places are dealt with by agencies and others in planning and impact
assessment under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and to some
extent under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). As a result, NPS
officials and I agreed that we should draft not only a new version of Bulletin
38 but also a set of “frequently asked questions” (FAQs) – and answers – about
how such places should be considered and addressed, particularly under Section
106 of the NHPA. Since the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)
oversees Section 106 review, NPS invited the ACHP staff to participate in
developing the FAQs, and they agreed to do so. A series of quite congenial
meetings and draft reviews ensued, leading to my submission of complete drafts
of the Bulletin and FAQs in August/September 2014.
Some time passed, and then the ACHP staff returned a very
substantially rewritten “draft” of the FAQs, which they made clear they
expected to become the basis for any further discussions. They declined to
explain the rationale for their changed approach, or to negotiate with both my
draft and theirs on the table. They declined, in fact, even to identify the individuals
responsible for the new draft, or to share mark-ups of working documents. My
review of the ACHP draft, however, made it apparent to me that its main thrust
was to muddle and obfuscate, wherever possible substituting lengthy paragraphs
full of weasel words for straightforward declarative statements, and in some
cases (for example, in treatment of confidentiality under Section 304 of the
NHPA) to insist on interpretations of
law and language that are simply (in my reasonably well informed opinion)
simply wrong. And again, this revised draft was presented as a non-negotiable fait accompli.
Needless to say, I objected vigorously, and both NPS and
ACHP Chairman Wayne Donaldson did what they could to promote a meeting of the
minds. These efforts failed; the ACHP staff was simply not willing to come to
the table unless their draft formed the basis for consultation. By this time
(early 2015), my contract had run out, I had performed all the work it called
for, and I was coping with Parker’s untimely demise, so NPS paid me off and
went its way. Its representatives have, however, kept me more or less informed
of progress, or lack thereof. Early this year I was given the opportunity to
comment on another draft of the FAQs, which usefully contained images and
examples, but remained, in my opinion, both obfuscatory and unhelpful.
I have come to the conclusion that in all probability an
updated Bulletin 38 and related FAQs will never see the official light of day,
so in order to allow interested people to have something to consider,
I've posted -- on at -- the drafts I submitted back in 2014 . These of
course have no official imprimatur at all, but they do represent what one
somewhat experienced practitioner, in consultation (he thought) with NPS and
ACHP staff, was able to offer. I suggest that they be considered an informed
though unofficial representation of good practice with respect to traditional
cultural places.
UPDATE 5/26/2015: At the request of NPS, I have removed the Unauthorized Update from
UPDATE 5/26/2015: At the request of NPS, I have removed the Unauthorized Update from
Pretty crazy saga, Tom. I used Bulletin 38 as a foundation for the oral defense of my comprehensive exam and have applied it in the past to argue for TCPs. It seemed pretty straightforward to me as it was. Going to have to see the changes to get an idea of what others didn't like/wanted rewritten.
Tom, I very much appreciate your willingness to put these drafts out there. Very important for all practitioners who care including the new generation of folks who don't have the likes of you on speed dial.
Thanks Tom!
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